Programs and Supplies
Unboxing Scientists of the World
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A deck of 55 Scientists trading cards with images of each scientist with the dates of their life span. These integrate with the On-The-Wall Timeline.
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Unboxing Scientists of the World
$120 for 5-year license
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This video series introduces 55 scientists from a wide range of disciplines. Female and male, these scientists from different eras, cultures, and nations have made contributions that set the stage for the advancement of science.
Each four to six-minute video is supported by: For-The-Teacher pdf’s that include activities, video scripts, related vocabulary lists, and NGSS-references. The program also includes printable Scientist Cards and an On-The-Wall Timeline that covers over 2000 years of history and scientific innovation. Printed Scientist Cards and On-The-Wall Timeline are also available for purchase.
Unboxing Scintists of the World was created by a team including writers, educators, and NGSS specialists. This series will inform, entertain, and inspire students in grades 3-12.
Unboxing Scientists of the World
Single Educator
$120 for 5-year license
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This video series introduces 55 scientists from a wide range of disciplines. Female and male, these scientists from different eras, cultures, and nations have made contributions that set the stage for the advancement of science.
Each four to six-minute video is supported by: For-The-Teacher pdf’s that include activities, video scripts, related vocabulary lists, and NGSS-references. The program also includes printable Scientist Cards and an On-The-Wall Timeline that covers over 2000 years of history and scientific innovation. Printed Scientist Cards and On-The-Wall Timeline are also available for purchase.
Unboxing Scientists of the World was created by a team including writers, educators, and NGSS specialists. This series will inform, entertain, and inspire students in grades 3-12.
Unboxing Scientists of the World
School Wide
$600 for 5-year license
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This video series introduces 55 scientists from a wide range of disciplines. Female and male, these scientists from different eras, cultures, and nations have made contributions that set the stage for the advancement of science.
Each four to six-minute video is supported by: For-The-Teacher pdf’s that include activities, video scripts, related vocabulary lists, and NGSS-references. The program also includes printable Scientist Cards and an On-The-Wall Timeline that covers over 2000 years of history and scientific innovation. Printed Scientist Cards and On-The-Wall Timeline are also available for purchase.
Unboxing Scientists of the World was created by a team including writers, educators, and NGSS specialists. This series will inform, entertain, and inspire students in grades 3-12.